Complete the Smart Speaker Mini-Class

This mini-class includes learning content to supercharge your knowledge of AI and voice assistants within the context of a smart home.

In this first video, Gerard provides an overview of AI and smart speakers within the context of a smart home.

In this lesson, Gerard describes key features and building blocks of smart home speakers.

In this video lesson, Gerard examines the privacy features of smart speakers.

A recap of what we covered in this mini-class.

And here is the class audio file, if you'd prefer to listen whilst on the move!

Lesson Summary

This mini-class delves deep into AI and voice assistants concerning smart home environments, aiming to boost your understanding in this field. The content covered includes:

  • An introductory video by Gerard discussing AI and smart speakers in smart home setups.
  • A lesson by Gerard outlining the essential features and components of smart home speakers.
  • A video lesson where Gerard focuses on the privacy aspects related to smart speakers.

Moreover, there is a summary provided to recollect the main points of the mini-class, and there is an option to listen to the class material via an audio file for convenience.

Complete and Continue  